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From our customers – Hillcock supports Zinfra's QGP work
Hillcock recently supported Zinfra on pigging activities on the Queensland Gas Pipeline (QGP). The QGP links the Wallumbilla gas hub in south central Queensland to large industrial gas users in Gladstone and Rockhampton. Hillcock is proud to play a part, supplying everything from coated stud bolts and gaskets – to powered air respirators, chemical resistant gloves and coveralls, safety glasses and tooling.
Directly from our customer –
“The primary objective on this project was meeting our delivery deadline safely. The responsiveness, transparency, competitiveness, range and product knowledge from the Hillcock team is unmatched ... supporting us a great deal in meeting this objective." – Project Manager, Zinfra Gas Services.
Hillcock is led by a founding team that deeply understands the industry and is passionate about delivering large distribution *better*. Set-up an Account today.
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